NEWS - Bureau for Executive Administration Regional Secretariat Of West Kalimantan Province

Governor Observing the Face-to-Face Learning in Yellow Zone

Governor of West Kalimantan, H. Sutarmidji, S.H., M.Hum., observed the face-to-face school start from SMAN 3 of Pontianak.

“I ensure if the students can wear on the mask and obey the health protocol. As far as the yellow zone stay still, the face-to-face learning can be continued, and if there is a movement to orange, we will stop it,” he said, Monday (2/22/2021).

The First Man of West Kalimantan was also distributing the colorful masks to the students.

“I will ensure and observe the school to obey the health protocol and I give this (mask) to make sure that they can wear different mask everyday,” He stressed.

He expects that all of the school can set up the face-to-face learning with health protocol, and the students can study safely and will not be affected by Covid-19.